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About: Joep Simons

I have the luck to be part of a very diverse, exploring and fun group of life enjoyers. The people around me are always up for something to do, to see, and act upon things that on first sight only irresponsible people would probably do. Besides that, everyone likes to travel. With my girlfriend, I aim to see a different, unvisited country every year. So far, we are right on track, with 9 visited countries.

However, I never really left the western society and I’ve heard a lot of beautiful stories about the backpacking adventures of my friends. I want to experience that too. I’m looking forward to see a beautiful country, with a shocking change of culture and environment, and all of us being fully immersed into the country while driving a tuktuk through the landscape.

Camel below Joetjah
Name: Joep Simons
Occupation: Software Developer
Age: 26
Location: Eindhoven
Hobby's: Gaming, films/series, socializing, party, cats
© copyright 2025 India Gump

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The donation period has expired! We've managed to reach our goal and even got a lot extra from our donators! Thanks to everyone who participated! Check out our Blog section for our stories, video's and more information!
